
Capsicums play star role in snack product innovation

According to a new research, capsicums are increasingly being used as an ingredient in some of the world’s most innovative food products.

The research, which was commissioned by Horticulture Australia using the National Vegetable Levy, together with matched funds from the Australian Government, found that 37 innovative new products containing capsicum were launched in Australia during the last three months out of 150 launches globally.

Peak industry body for vegetable and potato growers, Ausveg believes that the increased in interest in capsicum as an ingredient is opening up valuable opportunities for Australian famers.

“This recent increase in products launched in Australia demonstrates the opportunities available if we can encourage world leaders in product innovation to invest in the Australian market,” said AUSVEG manager of industry development and communications, Andrew White. 

“There is a real opportunity for Australian capsicum growers to take advantage of this strong demand for capsicum-containing products.”              

According to the research, between the period of March- May 2014, snacks dominated as the main launch category in Australia, and 20 percent of these new snack products contained capsicum.

“While Australian vegetable growers are among some of the world’s most productive, an oversupply of produce can lead to financial losses. New uses for excess or second-grade vegetables, such as in innovative food and pharmaceutical products, can help to make Australian producers more profitable,” said White.

White says that packaging also plays a key role in the launch of these new products. 30 percent of new products launched featured a flexible pack format, which was followed by products launched in jars representing 12 percent.

“Producers and processors need to ensure that product packaging appeals to consumers in terms of convenience, visual appeal and reduced waste,” said White.


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