Cam followers, or track followers are utilised everywhere – from washing machines and dishwashers to sewing machines and lawn sprinklers.

On track with cam follower bearings

Cam followers, or track followers are utilised everywhere – from washing machines and dishwashers to sewing machines and lawn sprinklers. They also often play a critical role in packaging and food processing. Cam follower bearings, therefore, are also an essential component in food processing and packaging operations. Read More
For over 45 years Tennant Australia has been delivering premium floor care solutions to the food and beverage industry.

Serving key customers a higher standard of clean

Australia is governed by a Food Standards code. HACCP is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating and controlling food safety hazards – where a hazard is anything that could make food dangerous to eat such as microbiological (e.g. bacteria), chemical (e.g. cleaning products) and physical (e.g. debris). Read More