Meat processing Award up for grabs

Australian meat processors should encourage their staff to enter the Barry Johnson - Cryovac Young Achievers Award 2007, a $12,500 study and travel grant enabling people working in the red-meat processing industry aged 18 to 39 to advance their technical knowledge and learn at first hand global developments in the packaging arena.
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Food industry to benefit from RFID

The results of a pilot program to test integrated electronic product code (EPC) and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology across a number of industries, including the food industry, were presented at a seminar in Sydney as part of the SMART 2007 Conference.
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LabWare wins award

Laboratory Automation software specialists, LabWare, has won the Scientific Computing and Instrumentation’s Readers’ Choice Award in the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) category for the eighth consecutive year.
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Unistraw’s Sipahh straws an international success

Unistraw International’s Sipahh Milk Flavouring Straws have gained international success since its launch 18 months ago. Since late 2005, contracts with food and beverage distributors in more than 100 countries, including all the G8, have been successfully negotiated.
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FoodWorks advances in NSW market

Independent supermarket group, FoodWorks, continues to strengthen its presence across New South Wales (NSW), with FoodWorks Coonamble opening on schedule this week, and an additional three stores in the state secured to be operational soon.
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