Anton Paar has launched the SurPASS 3 that determines the zeta potential at the surface of a macroscopic solid in contact with an aqueous solution.
The instrument design does not contain any moving parts, unnecessary tubing or cables, which may be subject to measuring artifacts. SurPASS 3 keeps the promise of a real plug-and-measure instrument: simply plug in the measuring cell and hit the START button.
The enhanced SurPASS 3 principle gives access to zeta potential data in less than three minutes. The high time resolution for data acquisition and the extremely sensitive measurement of streaming potential improve the reliability and reproducibility of zeta potential even in the range below 3mV.
The operating software of SurPASS 3 offers the selection of single zeta potential data, the analysis of the surface isoelectric point, or a full pH scan.
Independent of sample geometry, size and origin, SurPASS 3 determines reliable and reproducible zeta potential values. The measuring cell in use is automatically detected by the SurPASS 3 software.
Together with the enhanced measuring principle of SurPASS 3, the software facilitates the fastest route to the zeta potential of macroscopic solids.