
Comments closing soon for NZ apple imports

Posted by Rita Mu

Public and industry comments on the draft report examining Australia’s policies on apples from New Zealand will close Monday 4 July 2011.

The draft report, prepared by Biosecurity Australia, was released for public comment on 4 May 2011.

It was prepared after the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ordered the Australian Government to drop its restrictions on New Zealand apple imports last year in November. 

The WTO made the order after finding a 2006 Australian risk assessment on three pests and diseases on apples imported from New Zealand was not scientifically justified.

Minister for Agriculture, Senator Joe Ludwig, said the current draft report will help to ensure Australia’s quarantine measures are consistent with WTO obligations, as well as help prevent the introduction of pests and diseases.

“The Australian Government understands the concerns raised by apple producers following the release of Biosecurity Australia draft report,” Ludwig said.

“Australia’s biosecurity system is in place to protect Australian primary producers, and the environment, from pests and diseases.

“In order to do that, the Government needs to have access to the best available science.

“Anyone with scientific evidence that supports the notion of different quarantine measures than those recommended in the review to should make that evidence available to Biosecurity Australia.”

Image: nzexporter.co.nz

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