A2 Dairy Products Australia (A2DPA), and its associated company A2 Corporation, has released a statement in response to the foodmag.com article relating to FSANZ’s decision not to change the Food Standards Code.
According to the company, FSANZ did acknowledge that there are some interesting hypotheses being examined on the subject of the increased health properties of A2 milk, but, not surprisingly, did not want to regulate milk on the basis of the A1/A2 protein at this point in time.
FSANZ concluded that there is insufficient evidence to regulate, and could not proceed with regulatory action on the basis of the available evidence.
A2DPA and A2 Corporation believe that the experienced benefits reported by consumers coupled with over 100 scientific studies provides sufficient reason to be committed to further research that supports the a2 Milk proposition.
A2 Corporation Chief Strategic and Scientific Officer, Dr Andrew Clarke, said that “we, and a number of independent international researchers, are in the process of generating further research which will not only provide the data required to proceed with analysis and risk assessment, but will serve to identify segments of populations to which it is relevant.”