Product name: Coopers Artisan Reserve Pilsner
Product manufacturer: Coopers Brewery
Ingredients: Malt, tuborg strain of lager yeast, water and barley, with Hallertau Tradition and Hallertau Hersbrucker hop varieties (plus two others).
Shelf life: Approximately nine months.
Packaging: Packaged by Coopers Brewery in individual bottles, six pack baskets and 24 bottle cartons.
Product manager: Claire Filsell
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What the company says
Artisan Reserve Pilsner is the latest craft beer release from world-renowned Coopers Brewery. This distinctive unpasteurised lager joins Celebration Ale in the Thomas Cooper’s Selection, which was introduced during the brewery’s 150th anniversary in 2012. Coopers’ managing director, Dr Tim Cooper, said Artisan Reserve lived up to the true meaning of “artisan”.
“It reflects the skill of the brewers who have pushed the boundaries of the ancient art of beer-making to create an unpasteurised product with the freshest taste possible,” he said.
“It is an all-malt Pilsner crafted with Hallertau Tradition and Hallertau Hersbrucher hop varieties, both sourced from Bavaria. Two other hops varieties have also been used, but these will remain confidential to discourage imitations.
“The result is a bright, clear beer that is golden yellow in colour with an appetising soft and creamy head. First impressions are citrusy with a balanced malt character.”
Artisan Reserve Pilsner has an alcohol content of 5.5 percent, which ranks higher than most lagers of its type in the market, but best presents the flavour and aroma of the beer.
“Lagers normally undergo pasteurisation immediately after being bottled,” Cooper said.
“Coopers has a long tradition of producing bottle-conditioned ales that do not undergo pasteurisation, so developing a non-pasteurised Pilsner has been the result of applying our skills and knowledge in brewing and packaging.”