Detectamet has launched a new range of plastic packaging material that is food safe as well as metal and x-ray detectable.
The material can be used to make plastic sacks in all practical sizes and thicknesses. It can also be used to make detectable plastic liners for paper sacks. From strong 25kg sacks to small sachets, this new detectable packaging can be custom made for specific purposes.
Customers can select from nine colours to identify brand or purpose or to provide extra visibility (e.g. strong blue). The polyethylene used to make the material has been cleared as safe for direct contact with food in compliance with US and EU regulations.
Packaging is essential for handling and protecting food and food ingredients. However, until now, there has been little packaging that the metal and x-ray inspection systems could be used with.
“Customers have provided us with data on the sources of contamination,” Detectamet Managing Director, James Chrismas said. “And of the plastic contamination events identified by consumers some 40 per cent of them were contaminated with packaging.”
“I have been asked several times by retailers if we can reduce the risk of contamination by pieces of ingredient sacks and this new material is a significant response to this challenge.”
The release follows on the heels of Detectamet’s detectable paper, which is used to make labels. Combined with the detectable bags this will help the food industry to raise the protection of customers to a new level.
“We see these products as a marketing opportunity to ingredient suppliers wanting to demonstrate their diligence in protecting their customers’ reputations,” Chrismas said.