
End Food Waste Australia CEO announces resignation

The Board of End Food Waste Australia has announced that CEO, Dr Steven Lapidge, has tendered his resignation after over eight years of leadership.

Dr Lapidge, as Founder of the organisation, played a pivotal role in bidding for, establishing, and growing End Food Waste Australia into the world’s largest dedicated food waste public-private partnership.

“Steve has been a remarkable visionary and a passionate leader, guiding End Food Waste Australia to its prominent global position. We greatly appreciate Steve’s commitment to the food waste cause, the organisation and to ensuring a smooth transition and we look forward to his continued support,” said Chair John Webster.

“Recognising Steve’s unique contribution, the Board is keen to retain Steve’s experience and knowledge and has extended an invitation for him to transition to the Board once a new CEO is appointed. As well, Steve will continue to represent the organisation as our Champion 12.3 Ambassador.”

“After over eight incredible years leading End Food Waste Australia, it feels like the right time to pass the reins to someone new who can guide the organisation into its next phase,” said Dr Lapidge.

“I look forward to joining the Board and continuing to play a role in guiding the organisation. This decision also allows me to pursue the next chapter of my career with a new challenge, something I have periodically done throughout my professional journey.”

The Board has appointed an executive search firm 100 Percent Partners to undertake a national search for a new CEO. Updates will be provided in due course.

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