International research has found that fast food could be linked to severe cases of asthma in youth as well as putting them at risk of allergic diseases.
The research, which came from the biggest study of children called the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, found that young teenagers in particular were nearly 40 percent more likely to suffer from severe asthma if they are fast food more than three times a week.
According to SMH, the scientists behind the research said its findings could have "major public health significance owing to the rising consumption of fast foods" if the link turns out to be causal.
Unsurprisingly, the research also found that eating fruit helps to reduce your risk or suffering from asthma or allergies, with symptoms cut by 11 percent for those who ate at least three portions per week.
The risk of severe asthma increased by 27 percent in young children who regularly ate fast food, and they were also more likely to have severe eczema and rhinitis.
For teenagers, eating butter, margarine and pasta was also associated with asthma symptoms.
The study looked at 319,000 13 to 14 year olds from 51 countries and 181,000 six to seven year olds from 31 countries.