
F&B Sound Bites: Episode 17 – Reporting on climate change-related financial risks could compel action quickly

Beca Sound Bites

Tune into Beca’s latest episode of F&B Sounds Bites, a podcast on hot topics, trends and challenges for professionals in the engine room behind the food and beverage industry hosted by Hamish McCook.

The discourse on climate change continues to evolve, with reporting of climate-related risks and opportunities becoming mainstream.

Businesses are under increasing pressure to not only find more sustainable ways to operate their business as part of their social licence, but also to report to investors and customers on how well (or poorly) they are dealing with climate change.

And quite literally, their future financial viability depends on it, with climate-related risks affecting insurance, lending, and more. If organisations can’t account for their risks related to climate change, is their future business viability in question?

In this episode of Sound Bites, we speak with Matt Raeburn, a leading climate change strategist with 14 years’ experience in the US, New Zealand, and Australia.

Matt talks about the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the future of mandated climate change reporting, and why businesses from every industry should be assessing and managing their risks from climate change now.

There will be winners and losers in the shift to a resilient low emissions economy, so seize your opportunity to choose how you adapt and transition to that future now.

You can find the podcast here.

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