On The Shelf

Fog City Red Sangria

Product name: Fog City Red Sangria

Product manufacturer: East Ninth Brewing

Ingredients: Red wine grapes and natural citrus fruit flavours

Shelf life: approx one year

Packaging: Glass bottle

Product manager: Benjamin Cairns

Brand website: https://www.e9thbrewing.com

What the company says
East Ninth Brewing, the masterminds behind Doss Blockos Pale Lager have welcomed a new beverage to the family: Fog City Red Sangria.

It is made from the ripest red wine grapes and blended with natural citrus flavours, creating a hit of sweetness and sharp freshness. Red Sangria is tipped to be the new favourite for a sophisticated alternative to beer and cider.

Fog City Red Sangria is the first bottled variety to be offered by an Australian company, and is building on a growing trend in the US and Europe. Food industry consultant Technomic, this year cited sangria as a key player in the emerging trend of consumers seeking out "new flavour experiences".

The drink is best served on ice with a slice of orange. 


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