
Fresco Systems on bulk handling

Whatever the system, having a thorough understanding of a products specifications before commissioning and being competent in the running of the system after implementation are vital.


As a supplier offering customers specialist knowledge and turnkey solutions, Fresco Systems believes a major problem with designing and maintaining efficient bulk materials handling systems is the fact companies do not know enough about their products.

Turnkey solutions are highly specific and specialised to a company’s particular needs. Different types of sugar, for instance, require different hoppers depending on the flow rate.

“The ingredients size, shape, flowability and density will determine the solution put in place,” Fresco System’s Ken Hetherington said.

“Many companies will just tell you that they are supplied sugar, but will not know whether it is icing or granulated.”


Once installed, operator competency is essential. Taking the time to read the system’s manual and develop a Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) will help to ensure the system optimises production efficiency, whether manually or automatically driven.

Turnkey solution providers like Fresco Systems benefit manufacturers as they not only custom design systems but provide valuable after sales support, maintenance and training of staff.

Fresco Systems

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