
Fresh funding for food and beverage industry

The Western Australia Government is helping food and beverage businesses across the state to cultivate success through $7.08 million in Value Add Investment Grants.

Eight Western Australian businesses have benefited from the latest round of funding, which will support expansion, new product lines and more staff.

The Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community, south of Broome, will use its $1 million grant to install four blast cool rooms to extend the shelf life and freshness of its watermelons, paving the way to increase production by 400 per cent. The investment will also help the business move into rockmelon production, creating 15 new jobs.

The Ord River District Co-operative (ORDCO), near Kununurra, will use a $750,000 grant to upgrade its stockfeed plant to grow the business, as the Kimberley Cotton Company’s gin comes online this year.

The project will help ORDCO to expand its offerings of blended grain rations and increase the plant’s production to 25,000 tonnes per year. This will build resilience in the northern cattle industry, as well as create 4 new jobs and opportunities for local businesses during the construction phase.

AAA Egg Company, west of Gingin, will invest its $1 million grant in state-of-the-art machinery to diversify into value-added products, including egg whites and yolks, as well as scrambled and hard-boiled eggs for the food service, catering and manufacturing industry.

These grants have spearheaded projects that might not otherwise have been possible, leveraging a further $262 million in private sector investment and generating an estimated 191 new jobs across the State.

For more information on Value Add Investment Grants and a full list of recipients, click here.

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