Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is seeking public comment on changes it is considering making to food regulations.
The first change is a proposal to amend the code to require the mandatory fortification of bread with iodine in Australia. The second follows an application from Syngenta Seeds Pty Ltd for permission to sell and use food derived from a new genetically modified (GM) variety of corn.
FSANZ said the public comment process was to ensure it has as much evidence as possible to make the best decisions for the benefit of all.
FSANZ welcomes public comment from industry, public health professionals, government agencies and consumers. Details of all the assessments above can be found on
Submissions close on May 20, 2008 for Proposal P1003 Assessment Mandatory Iodine Fortification and on May 23, 2008 for Application A1001 — Assessment Food derived from Insect-protected Corn.