Global concentrated fruit product company, Taura Natural Ingredients have developed fruit pieces, pastes and flakes using its Ultra Rapid Concentration (URC) technology to address moisture transfer challenges associated with fruit based products.
URC concentrates fruit purées and blends to below 10 percent moisture in less than 60 seconds, enabling manufacturers of products such as cookies, cakes, breakfast cereals and snack bars to eliminate threats to texture and shelf life that can occur when using fruit ingredients due to ‘water activity’.
Taura Natural Ingredients chief executive, Peter Dehasque says that the technology's ability to control the water activity of its fruit pieces and flakes in each application opens up a wealth of product development opportunities for manufacturers.
“Significant technical obstacles have previously limited the use of fruit-based ingredients in many products with a long shelf life,” says Dehasque.
“Our fruit ingredients eliminate these barriers and mitigate moisture transfer in a range of long shelf life dry foods, enabling manufacturers to include fruit in products where it would otherwise be difficult without seriously compromising shelf life.”