On The Shelf

King Oscar Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Product name: King Oscar Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Product manufacturer: Manassen Foods

Ingredients: Brisling Sardines (78%), Olive Oil (21%), salt

Shelf life: Indefinite. The good thing about canned fish is that the fish remains fresh until the can seal is broken, so as long as the integrity of the can remains good (i.e. no rust, no severe dinting, etc) the fish remains as good as when it was packed and sealed

Packaging: 106g aluminium cans, with ring pull lids, sealed with an outer film label.

Product manager: Scott White

Brand website: www.kingoscar.com

What the company says
When it comes to sardines, size matters – the smaller the sardine, the more delicate and delicious the flavour. And King Oscar, set to celebrate 100 years in Australia, produces the smallest sardine species of them all.

As Australian consumers become increasingly concerned about the source of their food, they can rest assured about the purity of the King Oscar label.

King Oscar only use the remarkably tiny and tender brisling caught wild in waters off the Norwegian fjords and the North Sea, and harvested at maturity for peak quality. They are lightly oak-wood smoked, which gives them their unique mild taste.

King Oscar sardines are carefully packed by hand to preserve their delicate quality and texture, until ready to be consumed.

Not only do their consistently deliver great taste, they are nutritional too – naturally rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and high in protein.

King Oscar sardines come in top-grade extra virgin olive oil, soybean oil and in a variety of delicious gourmet sauces.


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