Posted by Rita Mu
Kraft Foods has partnered with Project Laser Beam in a UN-led program to help eradicate child malnutrition.
The food giant invested $10 million to the program, which will span across five years, to help women in developing countries gain sustainable farming skills, create microenterprises and provide nutrition education.
Kraft said $3.8 million would be donated to communities in the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) region of Indonesia, and in the Satkhira district of Bangladesh, where more than half of children under the age of five are malnourished.
“We can end child malnutrition,” said Irene Rosenfeld, Chairman of Kraft Foods. “For our part, we’re employing innovative solutions and investments in sustainable farming, microenterprises and nutrition education to improve food security and provide economic opportunity for Indonesian and Bangladeshi families in need. By working together under Project Laser Beam, we help ensure that these efforts are sustainable and scalable.”
Kraft Foods and the Kraft Foods Foundation have donated more than $1 billion in cash and food to hunger-relief organizations over the past 25 years, including a separate $3 million, three-year program with Save the Children to fight malnutrition in the Philippines and Indonesia.