Owner of the McGuigan wine label, Australian Vintage, has signed a landmark deal with the state-owned COFCO, China’s largest food processor, manufacturer and trader.
According to SMH, the deal will see McGuigan Wines established as the strategic partner for Australian wine throughout China within the new International Wine division of COFCO. McGuigan Wines will accompany brands from Argentina, Chile, the US and France.
Australian Vintage CEO Neil McGuigan said China is one of the most exciting emerging markets for the global wine industry, with the Chinese rapidly developing a keen appetite for premium red and white wines.
"Securing this partnership is a great honour for the McGuigan brand, not only for the opportunity to partner with a company of COFCO's stature and credibility but because they are a forward-thinking wine distribution company that understands the need to take the Chinese consumer on the wine journey,” he said.
"COFCO has one of the best distribution footprints in China, and the creation of its imported wine division, where the McGuigan brand will sit, will enable our full portfolio of award-winning, McGuigan wines to reach consumers across the entire Chinese market.”