On The Shelf

Nespresso Ristretto Intenso

Products name: Ristretto Intenso

Product manufacturer: Nespresso

Ingredients: Robusta & Arabica Coffee

Shelf Life: 12 months

Marketing Manager: Trevor Hannam

Brand Website: https://www.nespresso.com/pro/au/en/home

What the company says:

The full-bodied Ristretto Intenso Grand Cru has an intensity of 12. It offers a creamy texture, with a pleasurable aftertaste.

It has distinctive aromas, which come from its spicy and woody notes and its intensity comes from a blend of two Robustas from Guatemala and Brasil and an Arabica from South America. The unique origins and split roasting technique bring out the best characteristics of each coffee variety.

The intense roast of the Robustas highlights the strong bitterness and body. In contrast, the long roast of the Arabica brings out finer notes and natural sweetness.


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