
New ESS conveyor belt secondary cleaner hits market

A new conveyor belt secondary cleaner, ESS IPS Cleaners, has been released by ESS Engineering and are designed to address issues surrounding carryback.

Carryback from conveyor belts is an everyday occurrence, resulting in reduced operation efficiency, reduced safety, increased maintenance cost and increased environmental contamination.

The ESS IPS Cleaners deliver high quality belt cleaning performance and high quality serviceability for a variety of applications.

Like the ESS 20-Ten Inline Premium, the IPS Cleaner utilises a mainframe and cartridge manufactured from stainless steel, making them suitable for all environments, including sites that deal with corrosive material.

The narrow profile design allows the IPS cleaner to be installed in confined spaces like restrictive head chutes.

The new IPS cartridge design fully encapsulates the mainframe which reduces the material that can build-up inside the cleaner, making it safer to service with less effort.

The IPS Belt Cleaner is usually used in conjunction with a head pulley primary cleaner such as the ESS XHD, DT or TM DOCTOR BLADE Primary Cleaners.

The IPS is normally mounted so the cleaning blades contact the belt as it leaves the head pulley, or other accessible position on the return belt while the blades of the IPS, when tensioned, lay in the direction of belt travel, contacting at a negative angle and presenting no snag or danger to the belt or splices.

Other features and benefits of the belt cleaner are narrow profile design, new tensioning bracket design, ESS tensioning devices for blade adjustment while the conveyor belt is running and modular blades which allow for optimal blade to belt contact.

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