When it comes to maintain the highest levels of food safety, consistent and reliable refrigeration is a big part of the equation.
At its 2015 Technical Roadshow, global refrigeration innovators Bitzer presented a new combination cooling system that caused quite a stir. Hailed as revolutionary and hungrily accepted by the industry, Bitzer’s new combination of the Evolution air-cooled condensing unit, plus PS Series evaporator with EVD-ice electronic valve driver boasts a three-months return on investment.
Available fitted to the Buffalo Trident PS Series evaporator, the recently launched EVD-ice is the evolution of Carel’s electronic valve driver specifically designed to operate under extreme conditions, such as within the evaporator in a cold room. The EVD-ice can be easily connected to a supervisory system for external monitoring of operating conditions.
With the addition of Carel’s Ultracella technology, the user doesn’t even need to be in the cold room – messages, alarms and status display are all accessible from outside the room.
Plus, the Ultracap module is an additional option for users needing an IP65 rated solution, with over-molding completely sealing the device.
The short pull-down times and system performance result in improved food quality and in turn further cost and efficiency savings for food manufacturers.