FBIN, News, Packaging

New resource helps locate single-use plastic alternatives

A new resource is now available to help Western Australian food and beverage retailers, community groups, and local governments find single-use plastic alternatives that comply with Plan for Plastics regulations.

The Boomerang Alliance’s Plastic Ban Solution Finder database bansolutionfinder.org allows businesses to search for products on the market that meet WA’s Plan for plastics regulations.

The database, owned by Boomerang Alliance, was created with funding support from the State Government.

The Department had been working closely with Boomerang Alliance and the National Retail Association to assist businesses to adapt to and comply with changes under the Plan for Plastics since its inception in 2020.

“The Boomerang Alliance Solution Ban Finder is making the process of transition to compliant single-use plastic alternatives simpler,” said Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Circular Economy director Adrian Wiley.

“The site, which received funding support from the State Government to provide and manage Western Australian content for the State’s users, is a helpful tool for industry and supports WA’s transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy.”

Products not listed on the database either had not been submitted or were assessed and found not to be ban-compliant.

“We encourage suppliers to submit their products to Boomerang Alliance forassessment and potential inclusion on the website,” said Wiley.

 “The State Government anticipates the latest single-use plastic bans will save anadditional 700 million plastic items from landfill or litter annually.”

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