
New tea survey released

Lipton T.E.A Report suggests Australians prefer to sacrifice drinks after work in favour of regular tea breaks.

When faced with the option of losing either a regular tea break, a gossip with work colleagues or Friday night drinks, more Australians would prefer to give up their after work drinks, according to results released in the Lipton T.E.A Report today.

To help them get through their daily nine to five grind, four in five Australians take up to three tea breaks a day. 40% take tea breaks with friends or colleagues, a further 40% take tea breaks while working or multi-tasking, and 18% take tea breaks alone as time out to enjoy silence and solitude.

Launched as part of Lipton’s new Tea breaks for Every Australian (T.E.A) campaign, the Lipton T.E.A Report examines Australia’s tea break habits in today’s working environment.

“Australia is shedding its chilled out and laid back reputation. The Lipton T.E.A Report unveils a nation with nine in ten Australians experiencing some level of stress at work during the day. Supporting this, 80% feel they can’t keep 100% focused at work for a full working day so it’s a good idea to take a break and enjoy a cup of tea,” said nutritionist Catherine Saxelby.

“The Lipton T.E.A Report also found 50% of Australians take ten minutes or less for each tea break. Tea is an ideal refreshing beverage for work breaks, as it contains theanine to help you feel relaxed yet alert throughout the day.

“Tea is also an important source of fluids and is a source of flavonoid antioxidants. If you drink tea on its own without sugar or milk it is low kilojoule (calorie) which is great for people watching their weight,” Saxelby continued.

The Lipton T.E.A. Report was conducted by Galaxy Research in July 2008. The Report was based on a survey of 407 full time and part time employees aged between 25-49 years.

Further findings from the Lipton T.E.A Report:

• In the tea vs. coffee debate, significantly more coffee drinkers claim to experience varied levels of alertness throughout the day and increased tired spells compared to tea drinkers.

• Nearly double the number of tea drinkers unwind and feel relaxed after a cup of tea in comparison to coffee drinkers (35% vs. 20%).

• Nine out of ten Australians never feel guilty about taking a tea break. Only 1% always feel guilty.

• The large majority of Australians (82%) feel they can’t keep focused at work for the whole day, and 53% feel they can’t keep focused for more than five hours.

• Only 17% of Australians would sacrifice a cup of tea for workplace drinks.

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