
Probiotic Telescoping Straw to be released

Ganeden Biotech and CapAble AB have created a probiotic straw to be sold to food and beverage manufacturers to attach to their product.

The straw can be applied to Tetra Pak and other shelf stable beverage containers and used in both refrigerated and shelf stable milk or juice boxes, pouches and bottles.

The straws will have 1 billion CFU of GanedenBC30 and Ganeden Biotech predicts it will have an impact on the Children’s Beverage Market.

Michael Bush, Ganeden’s Senior Vice President said “Beverage manufacturers around the globe are asking for solutions to incorporate our patented probiotic into shelf stable beverages and the use of the GanedenBC30 LifeTop Straw enables integration into shelf stable beverages of all types.”

By 2018 the Probiotic market is expected to reach $36.7 billion globally, with about $30 billion from functional foods and beverages. 93 percent of today’s consumers are familiar with the term “Probiotic” and associate it with good health.

The new probiotic straws will allow the healthy bacteria to be available in beverages throughout the store, including shelf stable SKUs. “As consumer demand for probiotics grows, so do the delivery forms available. Not everyone can or wants to eat yogurt or take pills; these straws offer a new option for consumers to get probiotics,” Bush said. “A child can get their daily dose of probiotics from a juice pouch in her lunch box.”


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