Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall.
This information is also available on the food standards (FSANZ) website.
Date Notified To FSANZ: 24 July 2009
Food Product: Seafood
Name of Product: Dried Whole Anchovies
Package Description & Size: 100g and 500g packets
Best Before Date: 03 03 2011
Australian Distribution: NSW
Overseas Distribution: Nil
Reason for Recall: Biotoxin – histamine
Comments: Dried Whole Anchovies 100g and 500g – Imported from Vietnam
Grand Continental Food Company Pty Ltd is conducting a recall on the above product due to the presence of histamine.
The above product is sold through Asian retail outlets.
Customers are asked to return the product to the point of purchase for a full refund.
Any consumers concerned about their health should consult their doctor.
For further information please contact:
Continental Food Company Pty Ltd
02 9756 1999