SPC Ardmona has released a new-design logo to reflect the changes the business is undergoing.
The logo, designed by Leo Burnett in collaboration with SPC’s marketing team, will be rolled out across all of SPC’s brands like Goulburn Valley, IXL, Taylors, Ardmona and Henry Jones to help transform the company’s image from a cannery to a modern, dynamic and innovative snack food company.
SPC Marketing and Innovation Director Bronwyn Powell said the decision to refresh the brand was initiated by the overwhelming support SPC has received from everyday Australians.
“Australian shoppers have really gotten behind SPC but many consumers are unaware we have so many other great brands that are all part of the SPC family. By featuring the new logo across all our products, we hope all our brands will benefit from the recognition and unprecedented support generated for the core SPC brand.
“Our existing logo has been around in varying forms for 96 years so it was time to evolve the brand to reflect the company’s transition to a modern food company,” Powell said.
“A warmer, lower case font has replaced the old, rigid upper case letters to create a more contemporary feel and the addition of the leaf motif represents growth and SPC’s positive new direction,” she said.
SPC’s new branding will start to appear on products from late this month and feature on the company’s revamped website relaunching on 1 August.