On The Shelf

SunRice Low GI Brown Rice

Product name: Low GI Brown Rice

Product manufacturer: SunRice

Ingredients: Rice

Shelf life: 12+ months

Packaging: Easy, resealable

Product manager: Sandra Lee

Brand website: www.sunrice.com.au

What the company says
This specially developed rice variety combines the benefits of a wholegrain brown rice with the advantages of being a low GI food for sustained energy release.

A healthy option carbohydrate and a great source of dietary fibre, Brown Rice is unmilled rice that has retained its bran layer, the most fibre and nutrient rich part of the grain. Naturally Low GI Brown Rice contains essential vitamins and minerals including Thiamin, Niacin and Magnesium, and it is gluten and cholesterol free which makes it a heart friendly food.

Low GI Brown Rice is:

  • Grown in Australia
  • Contains essential vitamins and minerals
  • Wholegrain and a source of dietary fibre
  • Rich nutty taste
  • Gluten and cholesterol free
  • Low in fat, sugar and salt


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