Junk food ads aimed at children fall 60 per cent

Children are seeing 60 per cent less junk food advertising during their television programs, following suggestions from the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) that the practise should be stopped, and calls from health groups to ban ads aimed at those under 12.
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Pizza at your door literally at the push of a button

Did you think it was pretty cool when pizza chains allowed you to jump online to order pizza, and save you the trouble of having to pick up your phone or, heaven forbid, go into a pizza shop? Well hold onto your couch cushion, because things just got lazier.
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UK bakery fighting “fat tax”

The “fat tax” imposed on foods high in saturated fat is being fought by the biggest bakery chain in Britain, who say taxing the sausage rolls and pasties it bakes in store is unfair.
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