
TraceTech presentations

Members of the food industry are invited to attend TraceTech, a two day conference and exhibition to inform and educate supply chain, transport and logistics managers about the benefits of improved traceability, held on October 23rd and 24th in Sydney.

Free keynote presentations during TraceTech by industry professionals will cover issues of traceability including why it is key to gaining a competitive advantage in the supply chain.

Presentation details:

presentation one

Topic: Why traceability is the key to unlocking value and gaining competitive advantage in your supply chain?

Presenter: Nicholas Tsougas, director, Insight Program (federal sector), Oracle Corporation.

When: Tuesday October 23, 10am.

Presenatation two

Topic: Track and trace in consumer electronics: improving traceability to deliver competitive advantage.

Presenter: Peter Djurichkovic, national logistics system manager, Canon Australia.

When: Tuesday October 23, 2pm.

Presentation three

Topic: Information flows across the supply chain.

Presenter: Brett Campbell, partner consulting, Deloitte Touche Tomatsu.

When: Wednesday October 24, 2pm.

Click here to register for TraceTech.

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