
UK dairy farmers continue blockades to overturn price cuts

Despite three milk processors ending plans to cut the farm-gate price for milk, farmers in the UK have pledged to continue blockades of processing depots until all price cuts are rescinded.

“We will continue the protests at depots until everyone has rescinded the price cuts,” David Handley, chairman of Farmers For Actions (FFA) said.

“We also want to track the money that was taken from us in May/June.

“We have given them four weeks to show us their accounts so we can see where the money went and we want some of it back.”

Protesters wave goodbye to a milk tanker which is forced to turn around and leave the Dairy Crest milk processing at Foston, Derbyshire after farmers blocked entrances with their tractors.


The UK dairy farmers are suffering similarly to their Australian counterparts, and have been calling for the price cuts to be abandoned, as they are left unable to break even on their operations due to the low farm-gate prices.  

Farmers and the FFA have been blockading plants since last week, over what they say are unnecessary cuts.

“The decision too reverse the price cuts totally vindicates our action and shows there was no need for what they did,” Handley said.

Do Aussie farmers need to embark on similar action to get a response from our major supermarkets? As we reported earlier today, Coles has failed to respond to more than 73 000 consumers who are concerned about the impact of the milk price wars.

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