
With Grundfos there’s already a way to make your overall production more sustainable

water reuse

Take the lead on sustainability through water reuse

With expected population growth of 2 billion by 2050, and at least 14 of the world’s 20 megacities already facing issues surrounding access to safe drinking water and sanitation, our water resources are under great pressure. Furthermore, the ongoing challenge of water pollution and overconsumption increase the pressure, which leave the world in the midst of a water scarcity crisis. 

Which is where water reuse comes in. 

To meet global demand for water in a healthy and sustainable manner, society – and industries in particular – must treat wastewater with the end goal of reusing it. Thereby ensuring our overall quality of life can be maintained. 

Creating a sustainable path

Today, approximately 80 per cent of wastewater is put back into the ecosystem without being adequately treated, exacerbating the issue of water contamination. And, with a 2013 industry report indicating global wastewater levels of approximately 1,500km per year and rising, it is vital we find new and innovative ways to reuse as much water as possible. 

The role of industrial manufacturing

Used in everything from solvents and cooling liquids to the manufacturing of semi-conductors, water is integral to many industries. Take the food and beverage industry alone, with manufacturers using water for cleaning, boiling and cooling, transportation – and so much more. Meaning that as long as people buy and consume goods, the world will require water. A lot of it. 

Learn more here. 

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