On The Shelf

Wonder Winnie by Nudie

Product Name:  Wonder Winnie

Product manufacturer:  Nudie

Ingredients: Cranberry, Apple, Aloe Vera Grapefruit,Gingko, Biloba, Lemon, Guarana,Raspberry,Rosehip

Shelf life: Six months

Product manager:  Rachel Clarke

Brand website:  https://www.facebook.com/wonderwinniedrink

What the company says
A delicious tasting low calorie, 100 percent natural, water-based quencher. Wonder Winnie is naturally sweetened (with stevia), has no added sugar, and is enhanced with the added bonus of Aloe Vera, Gingko Biloba, Echinacea, Rosehip and Guarana.

5 flavours:
• Cranberry and Apple with Aloe Vera
• Grapefruit with Gingko Biloba
• Lemon and Apple with Guarana
• Cranberry, Apple and Lemon with Echinacea
• Cranberry and Raspberry with Rosehip


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